Hinterlander House Rules
No smoking/vaping of any kind allowed.
No firearms are permitted to be discharged on Hinterlander property or anywhere within the Linville Mountain Acres community.
No parties, gatherings, or events -- this is a gated community and visitors are not permitted -- only the overnight guests that are specified on the rental agreement are permitted access to Linville Mountain Acres community.
No fireworks or pyrotechnics of any kind are permitted at Hinterlander (or within Linville Gorge Wilderness or Pisgah National Forest FYI).
No trash left outside -- all trash must be kept inside the house or placed in the property's Bear Box.
No ATVs, dirt bikes, or other off-road vehicles may be used on the property or within the Linville Mountain Acres community.
Do not flush wipes or hygiene products -- Hinterlander has a septic system -- please prevent damage and toss items in trash.

Linville Mountain Acres HOA Rules
Quiet Time - Quiet time is 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM. Sounds project louder and farther on the mountainsides, so care should be taken when having conversations outdoors at any time.
Smoking - There is no smoking allowed near the mail house, dumpster or in any wooded areas.
Pets - Owners, renters, and guests are to control their pets so they will not be a nuisance to others.
Wildlife - No feeding of wildlife mammals for any reason. All pet food should be kept secured from access to wildlife at all times and trash kept locked indoors.
Hunting - No hunting is allowed within Linville Mountain Acres.
Parking - No parking on road shoulders and easements where two cars cannot safely pass each other. The HOA is not liable for any damage to any owner’s personal property.
20 MPH - The speed limit is 20 mph within Linville Mountain Acres. Abide by the road rules: no speeding.
Uphill Right of Way - Traffic going downhill must yield to traffic coming uphill. Both drivers are expected to slow down and pull off the road as much as possible; however, the driver going downhill should position their vehicle to stop if necessary to prevent the uphill driver from needing to stop.
Snow/Ice Removal - The HOA will arrange for snow/ice removal at its discretion. Owners, guests, and tenants assume full responsibility for any and all damage and accidents, which may occur due to/during inclement weather.
We thank you for respecting our
neighbors, wildlife, and forest.